Scottish Improvement Science Collaborating Centre
The Scottish Improvement Science Collaborating Centre is funded to strengthen the evidence base for improving the quality of care sustainably and at scale. It is intended that programmes of work will generate new knowledge to support improvement activities within health and social care; building capacity and capability through a cross-sectoral platform.
SISCC is a collaboration involving more than 100 organisations and over 200 individuals across Scotland and beyond. Its work is informed by 7 advisory groups including PPI. It has held 14 engagement events with over 250 participants and has 30+ projects completed or on-going. Work across the SISCC research themes (behavior change, context, capacity and capability, improvement science methods, spread and sustainability) informs the implementation and evaluation of our improvement projects (maternal and child health, older people’s health and wellbeing, and knowledge into action at scale) and all of its work has been planned to overlap and synergise as all components are needed to inform and deliver effective sustainable change at scale and pace.
SISCC draws on expertise across multiple academic disciplines, and from the experience of those with direct experience of delivering improvement activity in health and social care. In all of its methods work it includes practitioners and public stakeholders. Its focus has been on synthesising current approaches to improvement and implementation science and on developing the methods, theories, instruments and measures needed to design, test and evaluate large-scale change. SISCC research themes and improvement programmes and their progress are described in detail on the website
Principal Investigator: Professor Margaret Maxwell
NMAHP Research Unit Collaborators: Emma Coles, Professor Suzanne Hagen, Dr Edward Duncan, Lucy Dickinson
External Collaborators: Jones, M - Dundee University, Sutherland, B - NHS Fife, Entwistle, V - University of Aberdeen, Rattray, J, Donnan, P, Sullivan, F - University of Dundee, Strachan, H, Cowie, J - University of Stirling
Funder: Scottish Funding Council, Chief Scientist Office, NHS Education for Scotland, The Health Foundation
Project Website: