Pauline Campbell
Senior Research Fellow
+44(0)141 273 1934

Pauline is a Research Fellow who joined the unit in 2012. Her current role at NMAHP RU involves carrying-out and supporting high-quality systematic reviews relating to nursing and complex healthcare interventions. She is a highly experienced Cochrane reviewer, has led user-involvement groups and has extensive expertise in consensus decision-making methodology. She has a long track record of expertise in conducting systematic reviews; implementing search strategies and information management; evidence assessment and synthesis and is skilled at managing simultaneous multiple reviews. She also has a lead role in the production of Government reports for the Chief Nursing Office, Scotland. Pauline has a specific interest and expertise relating to rapid reviews and overview synthesis methodology.
She was awarded her PhD in 2012 from the University of Plymouth for the development of novel auditory techniques based on electrophysiology for the detection of central auditory processing. Before joining NMAHP Research Unit, Pauline was employed as a Lecturer in Speech and Hearing Science at Queen Margaret University (2006 – 2012).