Kirsteen Goodman
Trial Manager
+44(0)141 331 3516
Kirsteen joined NMAHP in 2014 to manage the AMBER study (Abdominal massage for NBD in people with MS). She is involved in the units Trial Management Group which aims to provide knowledge/training in trial procedures. Kirsteen teaches and facilitates workshops at the annual Edinburgh Clinical Trials Management Course, periodically works as a tutor for the online Clinical Trials Masters course (University of Edinburgh) and collaborates on Trial Forge projects. Prior to NMAHP, Kirsteen worked for 7 years as a Trial Manager in the Edinburgh Clinical Trials Unit (ECTU). She started in ECTU in its infancy and was involved in setting up trial processes and training staff to help obtain the unit's accreditation. Her role developed in managing a portfolio of clinical trials mostly in the musculoskeletal and cardiovascular field.
Kirsteen completed her clinical PhD in 2007 which involved developing a new bio-magnetic imaging device to study drug transit through the gut. Her pre-clinical experience was gained when she worked in Quintiles as a research scientist and study director undertaking research in the respiratory and inflammation field after obtaining an honours degree in Pharmacology from Glasgow University.