Stroke & Visual Impairment: PhD studentship now available

Published on: 12/10/2018

A funded PhD Studentship opportunity is now available at NMAHP RU.

The project is about visual impairment due to stroke.  Specifically about unmet need in this population:  we know that 1/5 of stroke survivors have visual loss, but the services can be very consistent.  Individuals (and their families) are therefore left with long-term difficulties in practical tasks, social activities and relationships.  They also have a range of psychological issues, centring on fear and loss of confidence.

The student would firstly explore the nature of these long standing problems, and then create an intervention to tackle these.  Intervention design would be co-production, working with stroke survivors themselves, and linking closely with the main charities in this area (e.g. The Stroke Association, RNIB).  They would be based at Glasgow Caledonian University, working within a really strong multi-disciplinary research team.

To find out more or apply here: