Maternal and Infant Mental Health in Scotland: Call to Action

Scotland still lags behind other parts of the UK when it comes to caring for the mental health of expectant and new mothers and their babies. A group made up of professionals working in the health, charity and education sectors have issued a ten-point call for action by the Scottish Government and NHS Boards to address the fragmented and inadequate level of healthcare provided to many mothers before and directly after their babies are born.

INDEXing complex intervention development

They are 'interventions' because they are used in a deliberate effort to make a difference to people's lives, and they are 'complex' because they have many interacting parts that work for different people in different ways.

Cochrane Stroke Database

As the leading resource for systematic reviews in healthcare, high standards are expected of contributors to the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. We were therefore delighted to hear that, in the field of stroke, the top three most accessed Cochrane reviews of 2015 were led by our Unit's researchers.